*4.5 stars* Glob, I loved reading this. Though the various spoilers I read in the internet, most especially Tumblr, kind of ruined it for me. That ending? Yeah, knew it was coming. Bummer.
Thanks, Internet.Nonetheless, there were things that took me by surprise and things that still affected me, even though I knew they were going to happen.
GRRM knows how to torment you. I suppose it's because of his background in screenwriting which accounts for almost every chapter ending in a cliffhanger. Real WTF cliffhangers. For instance, Dany was wondering where she would put her traitors: hang them or banish them, etc, and GRRM would write: Suddenly, she knew. And end that chapter. It wasn't very well written, even for a cliffhanger.
But oh well, I praise ASoIaF for its
incredible storytelling. Maybe it's because I watched the series first, but it really did feel like I was reading different characters' voices. They were all distinct from one another. I've read other books who tried to write each chapter from various POVs, but they would sometimes befuddle me, because they seemed to talk alike.
I'd also like to make commentaries about the various narrators in the book, except the Prologue and Epilogue.
Jaime - Yeah, saw a lot of spoilers about this one. But how could I not love his relationship with Brienne? It was nice to know his side of things. It emphasized even more that PEOPLE ARE NOT WHO THEY SEEM TO BE, AND THINGS ARE NOT WHAT WE THINK THEY ARE. It was fun reading him, and his verbal parrying with Brienne, but I think his part could have been cut out? The series is way too long!
Catelyn - Ugh, totally knew it was coming.
Bran - Though it can be boring at times, compared to what's happening in King's Landing and everything, I love the development on his side of the story.
Davos - A lot of people love Davos. I like him enough. IT's just his side is a warring side, and I don't really like battle scenes.
He's one underrated character,
considering how massive a help he is. Yeah, I see why people love him.
Samwell - Oh, Samwell, he's growing isn't he? He was pretty vital in narrating about the Others, the wildlings, especially since Jon had separated from his brothers. I love what Sam did in the end.
Sansa - Of all the narrators, I think I identify with Sansa the most. Thinking life is a song, and then grimly finding out that it isn't. You'd think Sansa'd be dead by now, but a combination of sense and royalty has helped her survive. I think Sansa will learn how to play the game.
Tyrion - AHHHHHH TYRIONNNNNNN. He's just awesome. A sad, sad character, really. He just never catches a break. When I read all the injustices done to him...like King's Landing never apprecaiting him just because he's a dwarf, and the people turning a blind eye on Joffrey's cruelties, and various hypocrisies. You gotta love Tyrion's speech in his trial. Joffrey, though. Oh, Joffrey. Goodbye, and good riddance! Kind of an anticlimactic death, though. Joffrey should have been flayed, skinned, had his nails ripped from his fingers and burned,
before he strangulated to death by poison. The little prick.
Arya - I am so sad Gendry and Arya separated! Now I think they will never meet again. Damn GRRM, playing with my shipper heart and then tearing them apart! I knew what would happen with Arya, but I still loved reading it. Also, I think I found out what happened to Nymeria, and I really wish she and Arya would reunite.
Okay, it's because of the gorgeous Kit Harington that I love reading his parts, even though I don't like battle scenes. And I'm happy Ghost came back.
Dany - Ugh, is there no end to her bamf-ness? I am reading the makings of a queen, how awesome is that? (And Barristan Selmy returns! Yay!) My friend told me I will miss her in A Feast for Crows, though. *frowny face*
A lot of deaths in this book (no less from GRRM), and a few weddings. New villains will surely crop up in AFfC, and what will happen to my babies? So...
*skipping off to read AFfC*